Jan 30, 2019
A fascinating conversation with Taal Levi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University.
Taal is a geneticist and ecologist with a broad research focus including assessing the ecological consequences of wildlife over-exploitation, fisheries management, the ecology and conservation of predators, disease ecology, and population dynamics in a changing climate.
Our conversation moved through several interesting research topics including how DNA techniques are re-writing our understanding of species' natural history; DNA bar-coding; studying the rare Humboldt marten; brown bears, rodents, and seed dispersal; passenger pigeons; recovering extinct species; the ecology of Lyme disease; trophic cascades, and more!
Links for listeners:
USFWS proposal to list the Humboltd marten as Threatened under the ESA: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2018-10-09/pdf/2018-21794.pdf
James Estes book on trophic cascades
James Estes memoir Serendipity: An Ecologist's Quest to Understand Nature
Estes et al. paper on trophic downgrading